Boost Conversion Rates: 9 Tips that Improve User Experience and Skyrocket Conversions

Trina Moitra
February 20, 2019 ·

People may think logic makes them tick.

But the best brands in the business know that logic comes later, when they want to convince themselves of the validity of their decisions.

The truth is – Emotions rule sales.

And a simple way to elicit positive prospect responses is through memorable on-site interactions.

In short, make UX your Holy Grail.

In this succinct infographic by Liquiddo, we look at user experience best practices that help browsers find relevant products, understand what they’re all about and convert effortlessly.

View optimization staples like button color with fresh eyes and learn something new too.

infographic 9 Tips that Improve User Experience and Skyrocket Conversions
99 Conversion Tips
99 Conversion Tips
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Originally published February 20, 2019 - Updated January 18, 2023
Written By
Trina Moitra
Trina Moitra
Trina Moitra
Trina Moitra is the head of marketing at Convert.
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