Not just tips. Here’s what consistently works for world class optimizers.
Jakub Linowski is the terminator. A self professed chaser of the wicked, the fuzzy and the undefined, he has made eliminating puzzling problems his bread and butter. Jakub has a strong UI design background, is the founder of the project GoodUI and has the ears of the best optimizers out there.
Once upon a time Company A created a winning test.
They shared it with other brands out of the goodness of their heart.
And everyone lived happily – with high conversion rates and lots of revenue.
Or not…..
You know it…we know it. Testing is intensely personal to your company. And it is intensely unique. What works for one site is not guaranteed to work for another.
But probability is a whole different story. We can indeed increase the probability of a winning outcome by mimicking the success of others.
When a particular type of test works across sites and industries over multiple iterations, it is repeatable and you’re better off prioritizing it over random variants.
Meet Conversion Patterns. Meet Jakub Linowski of GoodUI.
Jakub’s going to share (with gated data) patterns based on tests that have won again and again for sites like,,,, and
These are patterns that tend to work often, have the highest impact, and can be swiped for your site!
EPISODE #7: Finally, the Scientific Answer to What Should I Test?